
Welcome to the Synassault site.

This site is dedicated to the study of Denial of Service Attacks, Distributed Denial of Service Attack, HTTP Denial of Service attacks and XML Denial of Service attacks. Denial of Service attacks are one of the most common forms of attacks on the internet and cause alot of damage to Information Technology Infrastructure.

It should be noted that people and groups have particular reasons to use these types of attacks. For example political protest for legitimate reasons or to hold a company or organization for ransom. This site is only interested in these attacks for academic and research purposes in I.T Security.

Denial of Service attacks has a few definitions, but the most accepted definition in the field is ‘one machine attacks another machine in order to stop legitimate users from using the machine’. A Distributed Denial of Service Attack is the bigger form of a Denial of Service where ‘multiple machines attack one or machines in order to stop legitimate users from using the machine’.

My hope with this website as it progresses will give visitors an opportunity to gain an understanding of Denial of Service Attacks, what are the common problems that we are facing in the area I.T Security research and how we might mitigate against them in the future.